Monday, March 05, 2007


Unseen hands that fumbled below
Searched - and found that damned curse
Unseen tears that fought so hard
Fought to naught, struggled, distraught

Somewhere in that groping dark
Lies a child, a silhouette quickly disappearing
Forbidden, but his fingers wander in - then his body -
Confused, but passions ensue within

At last - Clothed with ecstasy, moans of intense glee!
Release - finally let loose - a butterfly set free.

But dreams too are fleeting - and he knows
he is no winged beauty.
Endless chasing
Unseen torment

If some day you were to venture
Past his closet doors, sneak a peek
Some fleshless smile would greet
Skeletons - there at your feet.


and after all the teasing, I wonder how many of us actually know his past, his painful past fraught with guilt and pains - and I wonder how many of us can truly understand - perhaps there is none - save for a Father I know from above. Those were trying times, and what came out of it was a dark but powerful testimony.

This is by no means an 'emo' post. Recall that Tim is almost always happy. :) no worries there. Just a fleeting thought. And perhaps 'Dead Poet's Society' has inspired me to more poetry - what powerful devices they are - and what rich outlets for unmeasurable emotions!

Meanwhile, despite certain thoughts and confusions, I thank God for His undying faithfulness. Kenneth commented on FireAC attendance rising a little - perhaps - numbers don't matter but, It is really encouraging :)

GAE - oops - edit: JAE tomorrow, perhaps we'll wait first, and write again once the flood of emotion arrives.

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