Sunday, March 25, 2007


135%, Chem practical took forever to decipher, three hours to unravel, mystery still, and I remain puzzled. permanganate stains on striped ties. titration blues. but we overcome them together. now, before I degenerate into some homework discussion, I abstain. But even on this lonely Sunday night, I type here, and wait upon the many who rush out their homework, msn conversations pop up intermittently with many questions on this and that.

ah. nothing better than a homework help dispenser machine - again.

but that aside. it's been a long time since the last post. lots has happened, the first week of term two has passed - sigh, it feels as if term one never ended - chong(2)qing(4) the destination for our WOW trip - excitingly so. and after the brief confusion on wednesday, i emerged quite full of joy for the next few days. Allister's prayer meeting and all. Friday's late Admin room night with - horror of horrors - Audrey and Emil (haha). Lugging my fantabulously heavy KORG keyboard and going through the muscle workout of a lifetime.

Unite the Christian community in ACS. Let's unite our hearts together for our God and King.

50 push-ups on Saturday. 4 years of long-service to Boys' Brigade. less than 8 hours of sleep. I now I'm finally at my strength's end, and I retire. Vision's becoming blurry. too much computer.

to all my BB friends, keep praying for the LTC camp. keep praying that God will command you to Himself.

and to end off. the regret of not spending enough time with some people. the frustration of balancing the old and the new (oh if only it were as easy of chemical equations in stoichiometry). But resources - time and energy - are scarce. the problem of scarcity ensues.

that aside. I promise to spend more time with you (:

and with God as well. surely.

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