Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Depressing Schooldays

Oh well. I have embarked on a new and daunting task. Yes collect all of ding's homework for the next 6 months and presenting the great pile to him on his return to Singapore. What a great surprise it'll be. and how hard it will be for me :( Well, at least homework is only piling up slowly. but at the moment, school life is still picking up from last term, everything's moving at a fairly easy pace, slowly...and slackingly, if i may say. Which is perhaps why i have nth to post on this blog. Blame it on school, so sian.

PE isn't particularly exciting when you have 20 vs 20 on a tiny field: playground football style :D

OK so maybe there's not much at school...how about home? nah...nth much too, just finishing unfinished holiday homework, squeezing in some world cup time, reading some chinese stuff to improve my china. Aiyah. Quite sian also.

Btw. Australia Vs Italy was the saddest saddest match ever, and the first time i felt depressed at any match (don't usually get emotionally involved.) The penalty was not a penalty!

gosh. It's late. Got to do a bit more work. And get to sleep. Mustn't forget QT. Argh...school leaves little time for God...maybe it's just me...but i can't do QT in the morn like a used to...and it gets frustrating.

Monday, June 26, 2006

I can't believe this

I can't believe this. I'm playing neopets.
I can't believe this. I didn't finish my Chinese hwk.
I can't believe this. I actually looked forward to the first day of school.
I can't believe this. Shue cut her hair like orange explosion.
I can't believe this. Fab got his hair cut at a barber!! sloped back!
I can't believe this. We're finally in the new auditorium..
I can't believe this. We have a student council now...and some ppl aren't happy that some counselors have spent less time in this school then us.
I can't believe this. I'm running low on stamina.
I can't believe this. England beat Ecuador.
I can't believe this. I'm actually blogging!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

well i was bored so...and reflecting on a boring life thus far is quite enjoyable...oddly

[ ] I have read a lot of books. (nah...was nvr a reader)
[ ] I have been on some sort of varsity team. (not there yet)
[1] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping. (I should think so..BB's quite bad)
[ ] I have been to Canada. (does America count? :P)
[ ] I have been to Europe. (hmmm i haven't been overseas much huh?)
[2] I have watched cartoons for hours. (yay)
[ ] I have tripped UP the stairs. (how does one do that?)
[ ] I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs. (jumping does not count eric..)
[ ] I have been snowboarding/skiing.
[3] I have played ping pong. (of course! and do you know there's a togo player pimpong?)
[4] I swam in the ocean. (more of wading in the sand)
[ ] I have been on a whale watch.
[5] I have seen fireworks. (happens alot in s'pore)
[ ] I have seen a shooting star (nope..not even at this church camp)
[ ] I have seen a meteor shower. (look that's not fair..it's the same question)
[ ] I have almost drowned. (i believe i can swim)
[6] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear. (don't wish to elaborate)
[7] I have listened to one CD over and over and over again.
[8] I have had stitches. (somewhere bad :X)
[ ] I have had frostbite.
[ ] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there. (i wish i could try)
[9] I have stayed up ’til 2 doing homework/projects. (why...everyone shld have this down)
[ ] I currently have a job. (ask me again during IBA)
[ ] I have been ice skating.
[10] I have been roller blading. (Camp Temasek!)
[11] I have fallen flat on my face. (during roller-blading)
[12] I have tripped over my own two feet. (ditto)
[13] I have been in a fist fight. (P1 ID vs 1C....more like play then fight but we got punished)
[14] I have watched the Power Rangers. (vaguely remember)
[15] I attend Church regularly. (Thank God)
[ ] I have played truth or dare. (fortunately not?)
[ ] I have already had my 16th birthday.
[ ] I have already had my 17th birthday. (once again...a quite pointless question :D)
[16] I’ve called someone stupid. (myself...and mr Azmi will get me for it)
[17] I’ve been in a verbal argument. (yea for sure)
[18] I’ve cried in school. (yea ask mr azmi...and ask the toilet)
[ ] I’ve played basketball on a team.
[ ] I’ve played baseball on a team.
[ ] I’ve played football on a team.
[19] I’ve played soccer on a team. (every recess)
[ ] I’ve done cheerleading on a team. (i wish...)
[ ] I’ve played softball on a team.
[ ] I’ve played volleyball on a team.
[ ] I’ve played tennis on a team.
[ ] I’ve been on a track or cross country team.
[20] I’ve been swimming more than 20 times in my life. (ACS wad..no choice)
[ ] I’ve bungee jumped. (would be fun)
[21] I’ve climbed a rock wall. (but never touched the top)
[ ] I’ve lost more than $20.
[22] I’ve called myself an idiot. (like i said above)
[ ] I’ve called someone else an idiot. (did i ever?)
[23] I’ve cried myself to sleep. (when i lost my stuffed toy yes...at least eric still has sally)
[24] I’ve had (or have) pets. (i had goldfish and a snail and some tiny frogs once yes)
[ ] I’ve owned a spice girls CD. (no...)
[ ] I’ve owned a Britney Spears CD.
[ ] I’ve owned an N*Sync CD.
[ ] I’ve owned a backstreet boys CD.
[ ] I’ve mooned someone.
[ ] I have sworn at someone of authority before. (Tim's too nice?)
[ ] I’ve been in the newspaper.
[ ] I’ve been on TV.
[ ] I’ve been to Hawaii.
[25 ] I’ve eaten sushi. (and love it)
[26 ] I’ve been on the other side of a waterfall. (yes i remember once...was interesting. in a cave)
[27] I’ve watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies. (woot)
[28] I’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies. (and again)
[ ] I’ve watched all of the Rocky movies. (gosh...this is the new millenium!)
[ ] I’ve watched the 3 stooges.
[ ] I’ve watched “Newlyweds” Nick & Jessica. (boliao?)
[29] I’ve watched Looney Tunes. (roadrunner!!)
[ ] I’ve been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
[30] I’ve been called a geek. (All GEPs do somehow)
[ ] I’ve studied hard for a test and got a bad grade. (ummmm)
[ ] I’ve not studied at all for a test and aced it. (how can someone not study?)
[31] I’ve hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs. (but she wouldn't let me)
[32] I’ve hugged my dad within the past 24 hours. ( i think so)
[ ] I’ve met a celebrity/music artist.
[33] I’ve written poetry. (got a few somewhere)
[34 ] I’ve been arrested. (this one's interesting...i was cautioned for stealing b4..misunderstanding there)
[35] I’ve been attracted to someone much older than me. (ahhhhh crushes!)
[36] I’ve been tickled till I’ve cried. (childhood memories...)
[37 ] I’ve tickled someone else until they cried. (KenWei wrapped in a mattress)
[38] I’ve had/have siblings. (thank God)
[ ] I’ve been to a rock concert.
[39] I’ve listened to classical music and enjoyed it. (i have to...i play the music)
[40] I’ve been in a play. (...hmmmm embarassing stuff)
[ ] I’ve been picked last in gym class. (American biases questions no?)
[ ] I’ve been picked first in gym class.
[ ] I’ve been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
[41] I’ve cried in front of my friends. (in school...)
[42] I’ve read a book longer than 1,000 pages. (i don't suppose trilogies count?)
[43] I’ve played Halo 2. (Lim Clan Fest!)
[ ] I’ve freaked out over a sports game. (nah)
[ ] I’ve been to Alaska.
[44] I’ve been to China. (we all have)
[ ] I’ve been to Spain.
[ ] I’ve been to Japan. (maybe this year)
[45] I’ve had a fight with someone on AIM. (MSN...c'mon)
[46 ] I’ve had a fight with someone face-to-face. (my mom, last time)
[47] I’ve had serious conversations on any IM.
[48] I’ve forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me. (i'm pretty easy with grudges)
[49] I’ve been forgiven. (Amen. Thanks to God and Jesus)
[ ] I’ve screamed at a scary movie. (nope..but i've shut my eyes)
[ ] I’ve cried at a chick flick. (maybe almost)
[ ] I’ve watched a lot of action movies.
[50] I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs (Tower of Terror....)
[ ] I’ve been to a rap concert.
[ ] I’ve been to a hip hop concert.
[51 ] I’ve lived in more than 2 houses. (4 actually, old house, aunts, grandma's and new)
[52] I’ve driven on the highway/been on the highway. (4 hours in aussie...straight)
[53] I’ve driven more than 40 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 40 miles in a day. (Malaysia!)
[ ] I’ve been in a car accident.
[ ] I’ve done drugs. (medicine anyone?)
[54] I’ve been homesick. (Camps)
[55] I’ve thrown up. (disgusting stuff. i puked brown solid b4)
[56] I’ve puked on someone. (i think i did..poor mum)
[ ] I’ve been horseback riding.
[ ] I’ve filled out more than 10 myspace/LJ surveys.
[ ] I’ve spoken my mind in public. (not brave enuff)
[57] I’ve proved someone wrong. (math sums)
[58] I’ve been proven wrong by someone. (math sums)
[ ] I’ve broken a leg.
[ ] I’ve broken an arm/fingers.
[59] I’ve fallen off a swing. (splutz)
[60] I’ve swung on a swing for more than 30 minutes straight. (painful butt)
[ ] I’ve watched Winnie the Pooh movies. (What?? there are?)
[61] I’ve forgotten my backpack when I’ve gone to school. (lotsa times)
[62] I’ve lost my backpack. (and found it :D)
[ ] I’ve come close to dying.
[ ] I’ve seen someone die. (wah scary leh)
[63] I’ve known someone who has died.
[64 ] I’ve wanted to be an actor/actress at some point. (vaguely remember this..)
[ ] I’ve done modelling. (umm..no?)
[65] I’ve forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings. (sry guys.)
[66] I’ve taken something/someone for granted. (God's love...so many countless times)
[67] I’ve realized how good my life is.
[68] I’ve counted my blessings. (tried..too many)
[69] I’ve made fun of a classmate. (jumped on the bandwagon...sry)
[ ] I’ve been asked out by someone and I said no. (would i pass up the chance?)
[70] I’ve slapped someone in the face. (for fun)
[ ] I’ve been skateboarding.
[ ] I’ve been back stabbed by someone I thought was a friend. (maybe...but i wouldn't know)
[71] I’ve lied to someone to their face. (and was punished bad
[72] I’ve told a little white lie. (are there such things?)
[ ] I’ve taken a day off from school just so I don’t go insane. (i'll nvr miss sch!)
[73 ] I’ve fainted. (close to)
[ ] I’ve had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not. (wasting time?)
[74] I’ve pushed someone into a pool. (poor patrick)
[75 ] I’ve been pushed into a pool. (patrick's revenge!)
[ ] I’ve been/am in love. (more like crushes)

For those who still have faith in me

School's returning. I'm hardly done with homework. Still have those du hou gan to do, and all the stories in that book are all the same the same and the same!!! Haven't had time to watch soccer at all...even though i have the wonderful free footage from RTM. At least now my nights will be free after the korean soap opera 大长今 ended, but that's besides the point, i'm still not going to finish my homework. So there!

Fellow students, i say it's time for us to step out for what's right, holidays are meant for rest and rest only! Maybe a bit of work here and there but it should be for us to decide! Aiyah...but seriously, it's just the Chinese homework that's plenty, it's pretty much fine elsewhere. But that's exactly it...chinese homework...the hardest and most mind boggling subject. So why am i still rambling on the blog when i have stuff to do...hmmm? i'm not sure either.

So i heard it all. Ding's having a splendid and supercalifragilisticexpealidocious time in Boston. He doesn't have to do the homework and plus watches World Cup Matches at prime afternoon hours, not in the weeeeee hours of the morning. No sch till September also. *sobs* tears of sorrow and self pity...and tears of joy for Ding to have a great time there

Church Anniversary coming up..and i've weaved together a video! yay Thanks God!
Ya...really got to thank God for the strength recently...sleeping at 2 am is crappy. Apparently i'm denying my innards the chance to work, such as denying my liver the chance to detox me..which means i'm toxic now...poisonous...haha!

Ok nuff bout that...i shld sleep now

Monday, June 19, 2006

SCV is super smart

aiyah...no one here liao. i might as well not post. but i did say b4 that this would merely be a blog for my own memories. It's fun to read back on the past and see how terribly silly you were back then :D

Anyway, finally got RTM2! hurrah! for those who still can't, disconnect from the cable plug thingy (SCV is soo smart), randomly wave around the cable as an attenna, and try to tune to RTM2 for as long as you can, once you're tuned, use masking tape and tape it!!! The result - not a perfectly clear picture but good enough for a lot of us. Ghana owned Czech (obviously missing their first choice strikers) and Australia deserved not to lose so badly. But it's fun staying up so late at nite watching soccer. Extra distraction now, but also a motivation to work hard in the morn :D

Karaoke yesterday, i found that i wasn't that bad a singer in comparison with the rest of my family. Lots of the old china songs, lots of the oldies, but that's what i know, and well i sang for fun. Steamboat followed closely behind. I have taken a great liking to liver for some odd reason. Medium Rare for the win!

Nananananana, nananananana, every move i make i make in you

which reminds me of a joke from church camp: The cardiologist song (Change my heart O God) and ...ahh there's another one..slipped my mind :D

Friday, June 16, 2006

Tuning Around the TV

I have RTM 1...not the best channel but it shows some world cup matches live. For free! haha! Must admit that the malaysians are so much more appreciative of the beauty of soccer, yes offering it for free. So there! Was tuning desperately for RTM2 to no avail. *sobs*

Stumbled upon a preview channel for disney channel...weird, so suddenly i'm watching monsters incoparated.

hmmmm anime on arts central.
hmmmm ChangJin on Channel U

Wait i was supposed to be doing work.

The Queen of Fruits

as my blog is dying...i try to keep it alive :D

So i had my first taste of mangosteens yesterday. The queen of fruits, a delightable sour and sweet fruit. Unique texture and smooth white flesh...apparently one of the best counter attacks to the sore throat causing effects of durians...coincidentally the king of fruits. Did you know that washing your hands with the durian shell helps to get rid of the smell!! Or you could just use Auntie Doris's method of using a plastic bag to eat durians...a plastic bag glove. Hmmm. prevention is better than cure. Wow some of the weird things you learn at a church camp. Durian party...sigh the memories. Had a good chat there.

Anyway. My tuition teacher offered mangosteen...because the 3 fruits any Singaporean must try are durian, mangosteen and rambutan! (apparently). Now i've tried 2 outta 3...how does rambutan taste like? hmm...those hairy things. Mangosteen stains are tough to wash off...impossible? sometimes reminds me of those stains of sin on my life....washed off only by the blood of Jesus...yet those stains always stay somehow..and i'm struggling to forget them all.

Many firsts yesterday. Carl Jr's burgers are huge. Had a great discussion on Live Praise and we set the new direction. Yes they are huge. Bigger than my two hands could handle. The insides spilled out.

Yes i know that i eat fries disgustingly. Forgive me for going nuts over the oil content. So i squeeze the oil out :D. All my friends shld know that. But i'm not anorexic. I'm just fat :D

MacRitchie Today. It rained. Boo hoo. We did nothing lor. So we walked out of the whole 1km or so road...just chatting and chatting...and making fun of each other. Recalling the OEP days of strip taiti, burnt tables, locked doors and aerosol can sprays. Ian's mirror madness and the Daryl incident...as i call it. So guess what, we have to go back again on monday.

Now struggling with China homework. Gosh i hope God gives me the strength and inspiration

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Times Of Refreshing

Tim is finally back. And back blogging. The past six days have really been a refreshing time, much in sync with the church camp's theme of 'Times of Refreshing'. 4 days in Seremban, 2 days in Malacca, wow i have so much to share and too little time to blog! Came back today to a warm welcome chat with Ding, happily watching soccer in america. Of course, with it, comes the worries of hwk...which i am yet to complete. Yes i know you guys don't believe me...but it's the truth!

9 June - 12 June: 2006 FMC Camp. Times of Refreshing

I had initial doubts about going. Having been in Fairfield Preaching Point for the past 3 years or so, i had lost contact with so many from the mother church, was a daunting task to go back into an environment where i was an alien. Debating over whether to go, i was my usual self, 'anything also can', yet i prayed so hard that God would provide for me friends and people to get to know so that i would feel more at home. And He did, He blessed abundantly and faithfully.

By the end of the camp. It was tough to part with the new friends made (and the old friendships renewed): Daryl, Sam, Breanna, Jan, Issaac, Daniel, Matthias, Chew Yee...a whole lot more who i will always remember...sigh. It's such a painful thing you know, having to go somewhere, make friends, then having to leave those friends behind. Daryl was a real mentor, the leader of our 'tribe' or group Naphtali, a real pleasure to meet, mature and well just fun to chat with as well...like a big brother kinda person. Chew Yee....really hillarious laughs and screams, ex-student of my dad, and we had a short chat here and there. And Janice, well reminded me of my cous, she provided a real warm feeling that brought me quite a bit of joy and care during the camp...encouragement boards. Left these people behind...sigh.

I often wonder why God would just let me meet people and then leave them behind...it seems so sad...if only i knew why..what's the purpose. Never mind. One day we'll all meet in heaven again..or in the more recent times...maybe Watch night service at the end of the year. Will miss you guys..don't forget me k? :D

So i thank God for the friends. And i thank Him also for a refreshing time. Learnt so many new truths through Rev Tony Tan. Really gave me new insights to living a refreshed life for God. And his talks were peppered with jokes and humor as well..had a great time. Meditating on God's love, giving thanks, obedience, all part of a refreshed life, putting Him first....not work or money or those worldly things. But it's never easy.

Then there was all the 'firsts' experiences. Slained by the Spirit (not me lah), or the Speaking in Tongues. Wow i really discovered how real and how powerful God was, seeing people moved to tears and falling flat on the floor, or that evil laugh from someone, or the healing and all the miracles. It all happened during the extended worship, a time where we all fell on our knees in repentance, took off our sandals in reverence and just worshipped the Lord. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit as well, i missed it because of a bit of fear, but next time i pray the Lord will give me the courage.

there was an extended prayer session with all the preaching point people as well, where i was so passionately prayed for, moved to tears and i felt like falling but resisted it, maybe i shld have just fell from my kneeling position. Anyway, it was a time where i felt moved to speak in tongues (yet i'm still unsure whether what i speak is from the Lord...guess it'll take time to find out), and i just felt so refreshed, so joyful that i finally decided to let go! We prayed for everyone in that room that day, and others as well. Really meaningful time.

Youth program was a real joy as well. Whether it was the ridiculous game of cutting up bananas and reassembling them (yes...) or eating oreos with toothpaste cream, or having a friendly powder fight..was all fun. And yes i'll miss all the great fun with Jeremy, Breanna and Isaac in my group. We had great laughs, thanks God and thanks guys!

Then there was all the fellowship. I found at least 10 people who knew me but i knew them only by face...haha. all the adults spoke to me and i slowly got to know quite a few people as well. Soccer and eating Durians were all part and parcel of fellowship and getting to know each other better. Yes soccer, i played barefoot, got a few blisters, played with sandals and got more, and i found out that my dad could play! One of the games, had to take off my shirt to retrieve something from the water. Yea baywatch style. My skinny bones :D

Anyway. Will be reflecting on those notes in my file. Thinking back on those encouragement board messages as well. And just missing this camp as a whole. 2008 FMC camp...i'm waiting eagerly for you k? :D

12 June - 14 June: Melaka Hols

Yes! we took a holiday to melaka, drove down ourselves to the Equatorial hotel. I managed to get my hands on the Tiger biscuits on coffee - and it was enough to last me for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Cut things short. Most of the time, it was shopping for clothes, if not lazing around in the hotel, watching world cup matches, practicing card tricks, fretting over homework but not doing it, or just sleeping, or just reminiscing the church camp. Wow. Just a real time of doing nothing and being recharged.

I saw mirages for the first time! and we managed to get on early to the Tuas...so no traffic jam this time!

Alright. Back to the working world. Let's hope God will continue to refresh me every day to give me strength to finish my work and go through activities. Life's a real drag at times, but when God's with ya, everything just becomes really really exciting!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Live Praise!

I must explain my coming inactivity. Church camp. Yep it's gonna leave me with soooo little time for hwk, but it'll be a meaningful time i guess...back with ppl from my mother church (not too comfy but i'll adjust hopefully), The theme's 'Times of Refreshing', a good time for reflection and comtemplation, to get close to God again. Wow, maybe i'll see a shooting star...no maybe two!!

Then out of the church camp comes a 2 day retreat to malacca with family, this means:

1) Tiger biscuits: yes, small but incredibly addictive with coffee :D
2) Buy a new radio? or maybe not...i don't quite trust cheap giant goods anymore :D
3) Movie hopping. Yes pay one fee for a certain movie, if you don't like it, just hop to another. It's really simply done k?
4) At risk of a Tuas traffic jam...oh noes. Lucky it's not sunday night

Sent an email to ding...reply plz plz plz :D

Well... time for some good reflection and prayer about the past year...just got something from Mr Jonas Chow, to reflect on my role as CE and the Live Praise in BB. Just like to post some reflection here i guess.

1) What level of intimacy in worshipping God are you at now?
wow, i would say this is always a question i struggle to ask myself. It's difficult to say, one moment you're just so close to God, one moment you tend to slip away so easily. God has helped me grow over the years, but in a 'rising sine curve manner' if that's what i call it....rising dropping rising dropping, but nevertheless rising higher as a whole :D. And i'm grateful that as i look back i realise that i've matured spiritually, but there's still a really long way to go. And the process is always so hard to maintain. I can only keep growing by God's grace and transforming power. Hopefully, God can give me that grace to worship Him through my thoughts, actions and everyday life. Keep helping me grow Lord!! Not to stagnate! not to degrade! but to grow!

2) What level of intimacy in worshipping God is the Company at?
don't want to make sweeping statements here...but as a whole, the company really hasn't changed much, sometimes i'm a little discouraged here a there to see little growth. But that's relying on my senses and my idea of 'growth'...i would think that God is definitely working to raise that level of intimacy all the time. In recent years, the company is moving towards a more God-centred company, moving away from a focus on physical discipline, to a focus on spiritual discipline. We still have to 'return to worship', it'll be a long run, i might not be able to see it happen, but it will happen by God's grace, we're moving somewhere. Currently, we're growing..not quite there yet :D but it's promising.

3) Where do you think God is leading us in the coming year?
Over the years, if there's anything i've found out, it's that God only leads us in one direction, closer to Him. Question is how? and that's something we'll have to wait to find out, and seek God for direction. I'll need to pray about this one. But all we know now, is that the main idea is that God always leads His people back to Him, he is most definitely not a God who will let us astray

4) What is good/bad/good but could be improved about our Company's Live Praise?
Good...i'd have to say the unity and the overall spirit, we're always together, and emotional in singing, especially the company theme song. Also, there's little focus on the music as simple instruments are used and the music played is not too loud/jarring. We're always gathered as a bunch, not seated at tables or anything. It's not a performance but truely singspiration. The problem is leading singspiration to worship. that requires understand the words of the song, meditating on those words, feeling the emotion behind the song, and truely offering those words up to God. Sometimes, we get stuck at a superficial level of 'worship' and that's something our Company has to work toward - spurring each other on to true worship.

5)What resources are available for us and are these resources helpful?
Resources a plenty: instruments enough, God provides through different people musical instruments and talents. And I trust He'll provide another group of people who will understand the true meaning of worship and so be able to lead the company into worship. Resources are definitely helpful in achieving the purposes set out. But we have to ask God first on how He wants to utilize these resources. Let's not run ahead of Him.

6) What resources do we need to achieve our direction?
I think we've pretty much got what we need...God's been faithful in providing for us already, anything else is pretty much a 'good to have' and not a 'must have'

7) Where do we go from here?
A question that prompts me to realise that i have a lot of praying to do. And that's probably what's next, where we have to go next is to grow closer to God first, to pray more and to know Him better, something which i struggle with day by day...so much so it makes me feel like a hypocrite typing these things out. But i pray God will guide me, perhaps this church camp will be a time of revival for me, to regain that first love :D.

I love you God, though sometimes it doesn't show, I love you, and i'm sure we all do :D Don't give up in that christian life. It'll be worth it to hear God say 'well done good and faithful servant' and to live with Him and all fellow christians forever!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

sigh my radio isn't working.

It cannot tune to 98.7...i cannot hear mutton in the morning.

life's getting dull at home.

and there's church camp soon...maybe it'll liven things up abit :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

hmmm just read this somewhere.

"I am not going to pretend that I am very close to Ding; unlike Stalin, I do not put up photographs to emphasise my closeness or friendship with Comrade Lenin. "

Unlike some who see it fit to splash their emotions around like it's a competition for "Ding's best friend"

I quote. initially i responded with tags. Then i realised it wouldn't be enough. I'm not going to be defensive. Just trying to speak up for the people in question.

Sure it's just six months. But it isn't fair to compare across the board and to set a standard to how we shld all respond to this. Some of us not so close to ding might say, it's just six months. Some people are closer, and perhaps more emotional and expressive, they might respond in exactly that manner - more expressive. whilst some who might have been close to Ding but chose to be more soft spoken about their friendship and their feelings. All these people respond in vastly different ways.

I for one am not the kind who will openly declare my love for anyone. But i have to say that i will miss Ding, and i'm not trying to say that i'm his best friend here. There is no best friend competition. Even if there was one i would lose hands down. I'm not gonna talk about my relationship with ding, for fear that i will be accused of being unncessarily emotional. But I've been through alot b4, and i'm just gonna stop at that. It has been a friendship that has brought many joys as well as pain and struggles.

there is no problem with posting pictures - some people actually wanna share pics and moments with others to remember. Some people actually wanna record an important moment down in their blog. Sure, maybe it's not important to some of us, but it is pretty important to quite a few individuals in our class. Let them be. It's just their way of expressing.

on a lighter note (must not get too flustered). Ding was online for like 10s yesterday..but i wasn't there :( to all christians, make sure we keep praying for his protection k? and also that he will keep growing strong in the Lord, and that the Lord's grace will be sufficient for him :)

well well. sometimes we all feel like we've forsaken a first love. First love to God. And sometimes i feel that way. It's like you just hate yourself for being a hypocrite. Loving one moment, sinning another. Internal conflicts. It stinks, makes you feel condemned. But i pray that God will keep reminding me that these feelings only come from the devil. Sure we sin, but we have already been saved, we just have to get our feet washed now and then. And i pray God's grace and transforming power will keep changing me into a better person.

Got to get more disciplined. Computer and SK are definitely things that are stealing my time, time for work and time for God. Better just cut off the arm that causes me to sin. Win the battle before it begins, flee from temptation, and that's why i have restricted myself to less comp time a day.

BB tea session. wow. Refer to Fab's blog. I shan't comment. It was a 15 minute tea session and everything else was just a lot a lot of talk.

Watched X3 for the second time today - still gives me that feeling of sadness - so much death, so much betrayal and so much to lament about in that movie. Watched with my couzs and with bro, was still great the second time i guess. But this time i made them stay back 5 mins for the 5 second footage and got a great fun time out of it! ahahahahaha!

Church camp's coming soon. Four days and counting to finish some homework. Better get going.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I shall post a friendly guide to making blogskins:

1) Find out how html/css works. If these are alien to you, you've got a long way to go. Nice ways to start would be to see the blogskins you download from blogskins.com and to check out the codes there...tweaking around a little till you see what everything seems to do. Another way would be to go straight to a html site that explains html. Another way to to search 'Nature Dreams' on google and find sixseven's site. Or well i could try to teach :P

2) Get inspiration. a feeling? a picture? could be anything. This is the hardest part for any design and is usually why many designs end up horrible :P including mine

3) Photoshop/Paint Shop! do not try to design skins/anything with the paint program in accesories in your computer...that is just weird.

4) have time. Set priorities right. This is when i go wrong :P

anyway, i leave ya with some interesting quotes

all the Japanese players' names sound like food you order from a restaurant!

Inamoto isn't playing, that makes him Outamoto!! ahahaha *insert weird laugh here*

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Just wanted to post about Christian living.

It's a tough thing. It's like being a stretched rubberband. On one end you have God and His great love for you, on the other end there's sin calling out to you. Free will was given to God for our good, for our individuality, yet free will has led to so much pain in everyone's, including my, life. Somehow, the choice is so obvious, walk with Jesus! Walk in the light! isn't it obvious? who wants to be in the darkness? Yet we are so constantly drawn back into the darkness from which we had previously come from. I for one can testify to that.

Once we know Christ, we walk in the light, yet while walking i guess we always will get our feet dirty, and we need to get those feet cleansed by God now and then. I've got my feet so horribly dirty, i've played in the mud, sorry Lord, please forgive me. It's so hard not to go back to the mud. How can we keep going back to sin when it's so replusive and ugly. Sin is like toilet water, sinning is like kissing or drinking this repugnant stuff. So why do we keep on sinning?

It's funny how i can be so close to God one moment and so distant the next. today i felt so distant. I sometimes question my relationship with God. I think it's stagnating, it's not growing anymore, it's just stalling, what does it take to move on? is it my holding on to something i shouldn't be holding on to? ahhhhh it's so confusing. I'm feeling so hypocritical, so lousy and so down, yet i know these feelings and discouragement can only come from the devil. Oh Lord please let me experience your joy.

haiz. So hard to be a Christian. I guess one day i'll have to tell what is it i'm struggling with. not today though.
new skin!! so sad. So solemn, don't worry though...i'm not depressed in any way. Anyway, before you go crazy saying...'Wow where'd you download that skin from?!!", lol i made the skin. Haha, thanks to a wonderful beautiful pic i made the skin. One of the best designs yet i have to say :)
posted on blogskins, not like anyone cares anyway.

Fab emo at IBA today, so i was forced to go on an empty stomach. Ow. Had crackers, curry puff, half a sesame ball and fruit bar for lunch. Wasn't that bad actually. And fab in all his emo-ness spills coffee on the wall and he had to clean it up later. We were still soldering today, finished the diode boards finally, played with the 'lego'. At least i didn't burn myself again. More soccer news on the morning radio...some of the quotes regarding world cup so far:

Angola is the smartest team, the lose the friendlies on purpose so people think they are lousy, then later they will do very well.

The main weakness of the Italians is the food. You seen them makan before? knowwonder they're midfielders are both not in shape (get it? in shape?)

Angola (has player whose name sounds like 'aqua') versus Iran (good looking players) will be a match to watch :P

If i wanted to boost the confidence of my team, i'd play Singapore in a friendly.

Angolians will play very well so that they can stay in Germany for the longest time and not go back to their civil war stricken country

*random laugh at weird african name*

Of course, more music on the radio, i've become familiar with so many mainstream songs..

Ding's in America!! yay!! Boston!! if you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful time there!

Ahhhh!!! i did it again!!! In your mercy forgive me Lord! (no i shan't tell you guys what)