Sunday, June 04, 2006

well well. sometimes we all feel like we've forsaken a first love. First love to God. And sometimes i feel that way. It's like you just hate yourself for being a hypocrite. Loving one moment, sinning another. Internal conflicts. It stinks, makes you feel condemned. But i pray that God will keep reminding me that these feelings only come from the devil. Sure we sin, but we have already been saved, we just have to get our feet washed now and then. And i pray God's grace and transforming power will keep changing me into a better person.

Got to get more disciplined. Computer and SK are definitely things that are stealing my time, time for work and time for God. Better just cut off the arm that causes me to sin. Win the battle before it begins, flee from temptation, and that's why i have restricted myself to less comp time a day.

BB tea session. wow. Refer to Fab's blog. I shan't comment. It was a 15 minute tea session and everything else was just a lot a lot of talk.

Watched X3 for the second time today - still gives me that feeling of sadness - so much death, so much betrayal and so much to lament about in that movie. Watched with my couzs and with bro, was still great the second time i guess. But this time i made them stay back 5 mins for the 5 second footage and got a great fun time out of it! ahahahahaha!

Church camp's coming soon. Four days and counting to finish some homework. Better get going.

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