Thursday, June 22, 2006

For those who still have faith in me

School's returning. I'm hardly done with homework. Still have those du hou gan to do, and all the stories in that book are all the same the same and the same!!! Haven't had time to watch soccer at all...even though i have the wonderful free footage from RTM. At least now my nights will be free after the korean soap opera 大长今 ended, but that's besides the point, i'm still not going to finish my homework. So there!

Fellow students, i say it's time for us to step out for what's right, holidays are meant for rest and rest only! Maybe a bit of work here and there but it should be for us to decide! Aiyah...but seriously, it's just the Chinese homework that's plenty, it's pretty much fine elsewhere. But that's exactly it...chinese homework...the hardest and most mind boggling subject. So why am i still rambling on the blog when i have stuff to do...hmmm? i'm not sure either.

So i heard it all. Ding's having a splendid and supercalifragilisticexpealidocious time in Boston. He doesn't have to do the homework and plus watches World Cup Matches at prime afternoon hours, not in the weeeeee hours of the morning. No sch till September also. *sobs* tears of sorrow and self pity...and tears of joy for Ding to have a great time there

Church Anniversary coming up..and i've weaved together a video! yay Thanks God!
Ya...really got to thank God for the strength recently...sleeping at 2 am is crappy. Apparently i'm denying my innards the chance to work, such as denying my liver the chance to detox me..which means i'm toxic now...poisonous...haha!

Ok nuff bout that...i shld sleep now

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