Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Greater Song

I see the heavens proclaiming You day after day
and I know in my heart that there must be a way
to sing a greater song
a greater song for You on the earth
to sing a greater song
a greater song for You on the earth

Right now, reclining in the back of my computer chair, past midnight, a busy day, a tiring day, have you ever had that sense of lostness after a long day of being with friends and company? Have you ever felt that sudden sense of emptiness once the CPA curtains close with a bang (and a rather needed school anthem)? Have you ever felt a sense of loneliness once the crowds disperse and the dust settles?

Tim has. and sometimes Tim chooses to cover his ears, block out the sounds of the world, and recline into silence - not emo - but simply a point to recharge and focus back on God. As a self-proclaimed introvert, perhaps Tim draws strength sometimes from just being alone - with his Father in heaven. Just singing, and just praising Him.

Today was another rather tough day, but Tim is glad that God has seen him through it, and there is still joy brimming from within. No more sadness, no more sadness. Soccer, Black Comedy, Friends and God - enough reasons to smile :):):)

and tomorrow. de-day arrives. CE presentation. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, oh God my song and my salvation!

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