Friday, January 05, 2007

What a Friend we have in Jesus

I guess I've been caught up so much with mixing and making new friends, that I forgot someone so dear to my heart today. And he reminded me, in his own special way.

I guess ever since IB orientation began, I've been wanting to help the new ones settle in, make them feel comfortable in the new ACS environment. But behind that whole facade of hospitality and wanting to help others, there was a more deep seated desire, and that was for personal attention. I wanted to be loved and accepted for who I was, and in all honesty, I wanted to be known. And lest I hide it anymore (yes I must drag it out into the redeeming light) - I simply wanted popularity (with the girls perhaps...)

And so mixing was a way to satisfy this desire, the smiles of others brought me confidence, such selfish desire, how ugly on the inside, I craved for more and more attention. And when it finally struck me, that someone I wished to know looked at me with a wry smile and thought me strange and kept his/her (you decide) distance - it hurt. And very badly. Punctured the self confidence, punctured all that pride, punctured everything.

Before the Lord I came, punctured, broken and in pieces, and in my self-pitying sorrow He taught me to forget these worldly things and look to Him. He showed me a picture, that while I sobbed over rejection, seeking acceptance for who I was, He was there waiting with open arms, ready to accept me and take me. I thanked Him - over and over. Repented and turned away from selfish desire.

It's a problem we'll all face I guess - when we see someone whom we favor, and wish to know them as a friend, only to be unsuccessful in forging the initial friendship. The friends who we make along life's path will definitely have a great impact on our future choices and roads that we take - I guess God knows this, and so leads us to make the right friends, perhaps rejection is a way of letting us know that this isn't the right way to go.

Fame, popularity, these things perish. A relationship with God never dies. Set our minds on things above, be covered by God's shield of love, and we will always be filled with joy and strength. What a friend we have in Jesus! Seek Him first, and then all these things will be given unto us, the friends we need to see us through will be given by God, the attention we seek will be God-given, he will provide. Amen.

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