Monday, January 15, 2007

5.12 Proverbs

Waiting in the LT, Mr Pat Soo in control of the labtop which contained the excel sheets that held the direction for our future - our future classes - and so our future friends and school experience - had all been in the hands of God. I had hoped for a surprise, and God gave more than just a tiny shock.

At least Wing Hing was there to witness it with me, we stuck close, having identified with each other by virtue of identical subject combination, and peered intensely at the screen as the classes from 5.01 to 5.06 were flashed. Nope, we weren't there. And it was not till another 6 classes later that we found our class in 5.12. Apparently it was the second language. Dah. Chinese A2.

Not that I was upset. I guess it was kind of interesting being in the same class as BB folks Wing, John Tay and Ethan. Not to forget OG cum Chinese A2 mates Huang Zi and Ben Seow. The Hwa Chong Cheng Yi. And the Bio-Chem-Math girls - who also gave up the free Grade 7 in CL B for something more challenging. An exciting blend of people, not everyone was too pleased, but we'll see where we go in the months to come.

So 5point12 - Proverbs. How wise.

Instinctively, I went to look up Proverbs 5:12:

12 You will say, "How I hated discipline!
How my heart spurned correction!

That wasn't so assuring. Maybe it was a warning. But then again, bible roulette never did result in anything that was truly God's voice. I felt instead a strange return to that familiar verse that guided me through so much of my childhood - when my paths were crooked and the way was blurry:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And He will make your paths straight.

- Proverbs 3:5-6

Yes Lord. We know You are sovereign. What you have planned for us we cannot fathom, yet it brings such excitment. Oh Lord, make our paths straight, and fill this year with joy and peace!

On a side note - spoke to the prayer group today :) and thank God I spoke so fluently, it couldn't have been me speaking on my own accord - I had hardly practiced or composed my thoughts! God is good. And teacher blessing has started. Personally, thanks once again to a God-given opportunity, Mdm Usha appeared alone right in front of Steven and I, and we prayed, a simple yet (hopefully) assuring prayer. Two Indian teachers so far. :)

Well. School's tomorrow. QT beckons. Cya all!

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

hello tim!!!!!!! THE SUPER SMART LITERARY GENIUS!!!!!!!!
Just dropped by to say:
oh anyway i dun know how to tag on your bloggie =(
yup 5.12 is a very mixed class and we have a LOT of different kinds of ppl (including literary geniuses, ppl who have already planned their EEs and ppl who think semi-circle is an excellent desk arrangement), which makes being in a class like this even more exciting, unexpected and fun (btw, i was also scanning 5.1 - 5.6 on monday and got an amazing shock)!
(you can probably guess i'm on a sugar high!!!)
oh yes thanks for the help in maths too =)