Thursday, January 04, 2007

Twisted Puppets

Armed with the spanking new (albeit, splattered with ugly green paint) IB tie, we entered the school, fresh and ready for the second day of Orientation.

Special time with God today, on the IB building rooftop, the skies opening above to reveal the radiant sun, the air atop fresh as ever, and the scenic view overlooking the astrofield. Huddling in a little corner, searching for a dry spot to stay on (it rained badly), and just praying, how meaningful. The prayer group is going to start moving somewhere soon, and hopefully we'll keep praying - it is exciting, but it hasn't shocked us yet - Yes God, we're waiting for you to Shock us!

The talks today would have sent me to dreamland, but thankfully the Alistar-duo managed to make things more lighthearted and cheery! We are apples and JCs are oranges.

Orientation dance was strange but enjoyable (i guess) - though the the task of carrying out the girls' role befell me (by virtue of my position on the right). We twisted, we stomped, we stepped up, stepped down, and played puppets. Had a wild time, shamelessly strutting our stuff (which was not that bad!!! :P)

Mud and Water defined the rest of the day - but I'll cut it short here - the memories will never fade away (yes, that of bowling in the mud and scissors paper stone in dustbins), as much as the stains on my Sec 1 Orientation 2003 shirt will never be washed away. Yes what a special day, as I wore that Sec 1 Orietation shirt - the milestones of life congregating in a single moment.

Subject briefing tomorrow. At the moment it stands at:
HL Biology
HL Chemistry
HL Mathematics
SL Economics
SL English A1
SL Chinese A2

A ridiculously tough combination, one that I might or might not regret, but only time will tell. I know it's a geeky combi, but bear with me :) I dropped Physics! Horror of horrors!

Well, Day 3 tomorrow, gtg pray for the prayer group (strange as it may sound) and fall alsleep in those everlasting arms. Thanks for all God.

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