Monday, February 05, 2007

Time Flies When You're

Having fun. It's been a long time since I've made a non-philosophical-cum-non-Christian post. And I suppose it's always good to take a break from being serious - lest people start thinking that I have no life except to think. Picking up the habit from Fab - I guess I should blog a little about school life - for the sake of memories, and for the sake of reminding myself of the little blessings God has given me :)

5 weeks of school have simply flashed by. 3 weeks of being in 5.12 have also flashed by. the class is really starting to warm up to one another. But feelings of imminent sadness already start to overwhelm me - time flies - and nothing can mock the steady ticking of the clock. The days fly by, and soon we'll all go our separate ways again. But nonetheless, friendships have been forged, and I'm simply overjoyed.

Cheers to the Bio-Math-Chem gang! Deon, Eve, Maye, Sankaran, WingHing (Sam Lee?), Merv and Chen Min! You guys have been a great source of laughter, of blessing in these first few weeks. May God nourish this relationships and help us all grow closer to one another! Not forgetting the rest of the class - little chance to mix around with you guys - but I'll sieze every opportunity! and of course...there's the upcoming WOW.

BB has also been a blast (awesome alliteration there (:) - even though the stress load has been piling up...perhaps it's the reunion of Year 4s, perhaps it's the new female company (chris, audrey, tess, mk), perhaps it's the whole fired up spirituality of it all. This year has so much more in store!!! Thank God. Thank God.

O's results are coming. A reminder to weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice

But meanwhile - Chinese A2 was probably a choice God made for me - else I wouldn't be in a non-intact class - else the company would have been different. Just think, each of of us is so special, and we're put where we are for a special purpose. wonderful!

and I end off on this rather 'high' note. and leave these 3 puzzling questions (cheers Maye!):

1) What is a dictyosome?
2) What are the factors of 1517? (not 1 or 1517)
3) How does one pronounce 'allele'?

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