Tuesday, February 20, 2007

(Happy) Chinese New Year

I've told some before, Chinese New Year is no season of true festive joy - for me it's quite a season of pain - and possibly regret. In the midst of tidbits, hong baos and endless delights, there remains one void yet to be filled - there remains relational gaps, and lost souls - sigh.

Countless Chinese New Years have gone and past, collecting money just seems more and more meaningless every year - well I even had to be forced to count my money - faceless relatives, and so many people we can't even recognize, shaking unfamiliar hands, and putting on (false) smiles. I'm afraid I'm getting horribly disillusioned.

It's painful to see people you know you ought to be close to - but just aren't - it's equally painful to see relatives who haven't been saved yet - because we haven't done our part - what to do what to do?

And I try. I do try. But another CNY goes past - what have we done this year?

1 comment:

Chris said...

I totally agree with you. That's why I've been staying at home for the first two days, it's the day 3 today, think I'm going to stay at home again.

Anyways, Happy CNY, and Gong Xi Fa Cai