Friday, April 20, 2007

Your Grace is Enough

as we strummed, plucked, held the notes, and clashed the cymbals today - something struck me about the greatness of God's grace and love. Koinonia - fellowship - with God and men. Maybe it's time to share the testimony, the story of grace that God has given me. Maybe it's time. soon. If it helps to transform lives. God use me please.

and as we ended. i remembered walking back home alone; and a sense of loneliness just overcame me. but God was there. walking right beside. just that i think i shut Him aside. how foolish. as the music faded. there was emptiness. i wasn't sure why. maybe. maybe it's just me. i thought it was over.

and somehow. i know i must be complete in Him. and in Him only. no one else. His grace is enough - yet why do i still long for earthly things.

yes we are aliens. pilgrims. in this strange land. we are not of this world. here we tarry, here we wait, till our rightful owner returns to bring us to our real home.

why then do we seek for earthly things? why then.

His grace is enough. help me understand Lord.

edit ----

well. looking back. i guess it was a memorable debut as a inaugural BBcumFireAC band, and i hope we will glorify God with all the gifts that He has blessed us with. as usual, i tried to hide behind the rest of the instruments - ahhhh too used to solo-ing, but thanks for bearing with me, especially Emil haha - but to no avail i guess. Wes and Ash were just crazy. and I finally played with a bass and electric for the first time in a long while (: thanks for everything God. thanks for everything guys. (:

and i remembered staring into the eyes of Mr Brian Chirnside, he looked rather disappointed - yes our testimony people pulled out at the last moment ):, but it's ok, we'll pray for conviction - it was a little scary actually, he told me how sharing shouldn't be impromptu and all, and a feeling and all (yes maybe here i started to take offense - aye i shouldn't). but yes. it's true, we really need to prepare our hearts in advance.

i'm wondering though. who's to share. my testimony Lord? but i don't know. maybe it'll stumble instead of edify. but nevertheless a story of grace. (:

three out of four songs had the word grace today.

the story of grace. (:

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