Tuesday, August 15, 2006

ROD: The Next Lap

ROD ROD ROD. Three letters. Relief of Duty. Or what army peeps would call ORD - Operationally ready for Duty. Well. An event usually characterized by ectasy, but intense joy. Who wouldn't want to leave UYO, to have a free friday, to be free from push-ups, responsibility, and everything that is part and parcel of UYO.

I must admit I was quite relieved as well...it was a great feeling, to be finally over and done with Admin...finally, longer free time on Saturdays...longer sleeping hours...and happy mornings to do homework with :D However. There was something about BB that I was definitely going to miss. Quoting Bong: "BB has become such an integral part of our lives, and suddenly it is wrenched away, it feels so sad." indeed...there will always be that sense of loss. The bonds made will continue hanging on, and being neither here nor there is always the most painful.

Parting is such sweet sorrow. beautifully said by Juliet...sigh. How can parting possibly be 'sweet' you ask? Well...i guess it's because where there's parting, there's also a chance for meeting again, and that hope to meet again will always remain sweet in our minds...The sweetness also comes in the increased knowledge of our love for one another. Absence does make the heart grow fonder after all...and we only truly appreciate what we have once we have lost it...I guess Eric would understand what I'm talking about.

Increasing laps get tougher...they require more and more stamina. Not only physically but spiritually, i pray that God will continue to renew me somehow...it's difficult to carry on serving Him...difficult but definitely not a chore...in fact it is still a joy to see people blessed and to make my Father in heaven happy as well :D. But...We can't deny that the higher up we go, the higher His expectations of us...and the more temptations we'll face, the more problems we'll face: problems of pride, of self-glorification, of mis-using gifts...sigh...it's tough

Well...It's on to the next lap now...and it's never easy to go on...trust in God..that's all I have to say :D

Let me take your hand and we will run this race together
With the author of life at our reign...

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