Sunday, August 13, 2006

Photos...What's the need?

We can't deny that this is the age of Narcissism, for that uninitiated, that means the age of 'self-love', of posing and of being obsessed with how one looks. Blog-hop and you find a multitude of blogs plastered with beautiful self-portraits, picture-perfect angles, flawless poses, the occasional funny moment...sometimes i wonder, what's the purpose of so many photos? Why go through the hassle to upload those pictures?

Maybe it's the urge to share a candid moment, to share the joy of the moment - after all a picture speaks a thousand words. But many times, it's because we want to be known, we want to be complimented for good looks. Nobody in his right mind would post a picture an ugly picture of himself. Nobody wants to expose flaws. We want our best foot forward, we want recognition, we want to be well-known and accepted. It gets annoying sometimes.

Perhaps that's why i've never posted any photos of myself or used photos as MSN avatars. On the web, I'm but another faceless and anonymous voice. Don't get me wrong, sometimes i fear i might be a little vain as's a stage i guess, when one starts take pictures of oneself (with handphone cameras/cameras...sounds familiar) and when one stares into the mirror for minutes without realising: adjusting that stray hair, smiling schizophrenically, or finding the perfect angle to present oneself with. Sigh. Or maybe, i just like to shun away from the centre of attention...or perhaps i'm just ugly :P

But anyway, what's the point of being vain? What's the point of the outward appearance? Sometimes we tend to get preoccupied with the wrong things....what matters is the heart. David in the bible was the Lord's anointed one, The Lord looked at his heart and not the outward appearance (though he WAS probably quite dashing). What's the point of looking perfect when one's heart is in a state of decay.

Recently, i've started to face many doubts in my spiritual life: and i'm wondering why. Recently during prayer, I even thought for a moment and questioned: Who am i praying to? Is He really real? ---- It was scary entertaining such a thought...i purged it immediately. But why did i think such a thing? God please guide me through this tough time.

Maybe it's all the POD sessions, all the Buddhism, all the Hinduism lectures. You have to admit it does have some adverse effects on the faith, whether big or small. Kenneth has been talking about spiritual attacks....i think i'm starting to feel them a little as well. But i'm trying hard, and I really need God's divine enabling to pull through. Fellow Christians, STAND STRONG!

The heart matters most, let's reflect on that.

If pictures/photos posted reflected the heart and not the physical outlook, i wonder how many people would still carry on posting....probably few or none.

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