Friday, August 11, 2006


Aliases...or assumed identities...I'm not sure what prompted me to think about this..was just looking around and thought of this. So what has Tim been seen as...hmmm

TimLim the genius
Affectionately known as TimLim, it didn't take long for people to realise that I had a name which rhymed within itself. It didn't take much longer for people to start calling me by that name. And pretty soon, it's become a household name in class. For anyone who is brilliantly 'intelligent' is known as a TimLim. Any reference to TimLim must be followed by smart or genius. TimLim is the traditional mugger and exam-hardened veteran, capable of taking on any challenging paper ahead, and capable of scoring tops almost every exam.

As such, people often come to TimLim for homework help, for study help, for whatever pertains to schoolwork. TimLim is stereotypically smart, and his responsibility is to help those in distress and those who have been wounded by the occasional killer algebra sum or chem quiz question. A typical average day would see TimLim being summoned at least five times, and perhaps even simultaneously.

It is not known why TimLim chose to identify himself as limmdt, a very boring representation and straighforward shortform for Lim Min De Timothy. Currently, many, if not all of his usernames are limmdt: this includes accounts such as Starkingdoms (limmdt, limmdt2...), his email account, his neopets account, his BB forums account, his blogskins account...and you know

As such, it is most undifficult to hack any of his accounts with this knowledge, that is, if one managed to find the elusive password, which of course unlocks the secrets to all the accounts. A very risky decision by TimLim to do this, something which might not be expected of his genius nature. However, one must realise that TimLim too is a member of the homo sapiens and requires similar passwords and usernames for practical purposes.

It must be added that TimLim does find it weird or even annoying to be known as limmdt.

Finding its roots in March 2004, the LimClan was set up consisting of Sean, Derek, Ian and TimLIM, all of which belonged to the same extended family of the LIM. It must be cautioned that LimClan should not be confused with The Lim Quartet, which was a quite pathetic misrepresentation of this amateur band (Lim Quartet was coined by Ms Yvonne Lim...).

LimClan made it's debut performance in the underground realms of Orchard Road somewhere in March for the sake of charity - an act known as busking. LimClan played to the tunes of Superman, Everyday, 100 years, Wherever you Will go, even going bilingual with yu(4) jian(4). TimLim was the guitarist, and since guitarist strum, TimLim became affectionately known as LimClanSTRUMMER.

Finding this very interesting, TimLim adopted LimClanStrummer as one of the main aliases, using it on SK and other online games (for the sake of anonimity). However, this proved to be detrimental in SK, where he was merely known in short as 'Lim', a trend which TimLim slowly found to be annoying. He has quit SK to this date (on a side note, LimClanStrummer has played as Banded, LimIDTS, LessThanThree...among many names used)

LimIDTS is merely short for LimIanDerekTimSean. Ok...i hope you understand now.

Everyone has a side which noone else have ever since before, in the dark, at home, a side which is not easily revealed, a side which, no matter how exposed, can never be fully exposed. Even TimLim has skeletons in the closet, secrets which must be kept just that way...and can only be exchanged with his Father in heaven...

The Child of God
Of course (seriously now), though we live on earth with earthly names, earthly parents, earthly relatives, it's important always to remember that we are but aliens and pilgrims traversing through this world. We are not of this world, we don't belong here, and we should set our minds on things above, and remember that our ultimate home is in heaven! Let's always make sure that we don't get too stuck up on earth that we forget where our true allegiances lie, and where our true Father in heaven is!
Sometimes, i do get carried away, but i found out something, God is always waiting for you to come back to Him, no matter how many times you have strayed, or how far you have strayed, just take that step of faith and run back again. O Lord, thanks for the everlasting love and mercy! Amen!

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