Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Into the Mind of Tim

So was walking with Derek to the SAC. A pair of girls walk ahead of us. Suddenly one of them drops some hand-phone like thing, and it breaks cleanly into 3 pieces, the wires spilling out and the battery still attached. What would Tim do.

Well the other girl helps the first to pick up her stuff. I kinda took one step forward, one stifling step back, and another step forward, a short murmur of 'Are you OK?' or something. Then promptly retracted back next to Derek. I guess the other girl was already helping, there wasn't much stuff to pick up (3 parts) and there wasn't a need to help.

Derek then starts to laugh, and says he's sorry, apparently it's Derek's splutz effect again. I exclaim quite loudly that Derek was cruel, and pat him on the back and all that, telling him to say sorry as his face goes all red the usual way. But then we start laughing and we walk off, leaving the girls behind us.

I guess it didn't occur to me that time. And most people would probably not think this way. But i should have bent down and helped the girls to pick the stuff up. I was quite upset with myself later on. To make things worse, laughing away and walking off wasn't the best thing to do, and they could have easily misintepreted those laughs.

And so i was disappointed, and guilt swelled from within. Sharp conscience again. Self-reprimanding myself for being thoughtless. Sigh. It's the way i think i guess. Praying for forgiveness for not helping someone in need when the opportunity was right in front of me; Praying for an opportunity to make it up to her...or at least to do something thoughtful for someone else. If only time could be turned back, I'd have done differently. It was hesitation, ignorance, and carelessness. Sigh.

Sure. Tim is probably just being over sensitive, over paranoid and silly in thinking such a way :(

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