Monday, November 06, 2006

The Week Goes By

And in a flash, one week passes us by, and it has no doubt been an eventful week, contrasting moments of euphoria and sadness. Birthdays and departures. Somehow, time just seems more and more fleeting with the passing of time. And the importance of needing to get close with God just seems to get stronger and stronger with each passing moment.

Bye Eric. Happy Birthday Sean. Mixed emotions. Church cost me a farewell to Eric, but let's keep in contact with that bubbly friend of ours, emails emails and more emails.

Chinese A2 was introduced to me about a week ago, by Mdm Loo. Something like courage drove me to be gungho and decide to take the subject next year, or perhaps it was pure human foolishness. Interest over academic marks, like I've always believed. For those considering A2 as well (few few...sparsely few): imagine literature but in Chinese. Not that difficult except we'll have to study lit terms in Chinese. And of course Chinese essay writing.

Today marked a milestone, the struggle is out. And I'm overjoyed to be freed of its guilt and shame. Thank God for the strength to share it with some others. Of course, temptation and past guilt still haunts, but slowly, the power of God will overcome it for sure. Recently, God has been speaking to me so strongly, so surely, thank God, and I found out that what it takes is just a pure and earnest heart to hear God. Hallelujah.

God Bless for the week ahead.

My cousin is out! Welcome to the world Elijah! What a powerful name. What powerful connotations, may God bless you richly Elijah, for a fulfilling and Godly life ahead! For the Glory of the Lord! Amen!

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