Sunday, December 31, 2006

10 Minutes to 2007

At this perfect juncture, a road down memory lane, and as I count the many blessings of God, I find myself being dragged deeper into the bog of reminiscence. Like the numerous stars in the sky, so God has blessed us all abundantly this year.

The television set drones outside - countdown to the new year 2007 - the new year party - the foam party - 'Are you ready!!!?' - time for quiet reflection, in the midst of such activity.

(10, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR! *insert happy music here*)

This was a year of great change. Our last year as GEPs, our last year together as a class - such was how it began, and why we set our hearts on making this a year to remember - and we did - we did.

Who can forget Kluang: feet caked with dry mud, tents that leaked, campsite next to the lake, lakewater for bathing - and most importantly - precious time with friends. Oh how we endured the camp together, tumbled into the water together as the raft capsized, formed the human chains together (bare-bodied and no-holds-barred) and chatted our way into dreamland every night. Oh such memories, what a childhood (or teenage-hood rather) to remember!

And the soccer sessions every day. Sweat that plastered our shirts upon our bodies, and the post-bell rush to make it on time to class (we were always tardy), the many strange and exciting times we had on the field, and the radical shift from basketball court soccer to astro-style soccer. Bonding through soccer - yet another unforgettable change.

For BB, it too was a year of change, the company turned upside down, everything was altered. We were lost, but soon the sense of direction was regained, and we worked toward a more spiritually-centered Boys' Brigade. I for one was radically changed, and I felt tremendous joy watching the BB change before my eyes. The return of many formers officers (and the coming of many new officers) injected new life into the company. It was a painful separation from the old - definitely - but the future was definitely bright.

MCYC camp, the planning saw the formation of an accountability group. And there I was, and it was on a fine day after NYAA logging where everything changed and I revealed my terrible struggle to someone else other than God. Hesistant, but eventually firmly, I dragged the closet sin into the light, and let it melt. It was a decision I never regretted. About that sin, I thank God that He has led me through an entirely year without it! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God, who covers us in his blood and takes upon himself all our iniquities!

Mission trip. Another life changing experience. In a moment, I was hit by the great need around me, not only in Khon Kaen, but in Singapore, at home, and just everywhere. It was a time to renew and soften the heart, a time for compassion, and to discover the true meaning of Christianity - to care for the lost, the widows, the sick. To minister love and to experience great joy in return!

Church camp. That meeting with the mother church - where finally parting was such sweet sorrow. Where I experienced God with great emotion, was touched and saw others being touched, a grand display of God's power and might. Also, our own FPP camp, and all the new X-change program youth. Jemimah also coming this year as a result of TRACing. What a difference, What growth that God has blessed us with. We only hope that every individual will continue to grow in favor with God and men - to become more Christlike!

Girls in school. And next year in class. Exciting prospect to be honest. New experiences to come, look forward to it my friends - but don't overemphasize it :).

Mdm Loo's crisis (as Sean pointed out) was another big point this year. As we prayed over her in Chinese (that was sure difficult), God ministered peace to our hearts. I'm sure that because of this crisis, Mdm Loo will slowly grow to know God one day, and come to the knowledge of His saving grace. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!

And in and around the world many things have changed as well. Saddam hanged (latest news). Democrats increasing in power. World Cup 2006. North Korea's nuclear crisis (perhaps not so new), Middle East crisis. So much change - and everything is moving so rapidly. Yet in such a rapidly moving world, God reminds us to Be still and know Him.

And that would conclude this post. That in this new year we choose to learn to know Him. To be still and know that He is God, and that he will be exalted throughout the universe. To learn the fear of the Lord, reverently commiting ourselves to his holiness, knowing that we are nothing and he is everything. And trusting him to hear our prayers and heal our land.

2007 has come. Please Lord, follow us into it!

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