Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Sleeve Issue

And so, in recent years, people have started to notice Tim for a very odd habit, of pulling up his shirt sleeves. Many of us question why such a person would do such a very odd thing. After all, he is perhaps the only guy (arguably it is true) in the whole school who does such a thing. Why then? Another one of those mysteries of life that we should try to delve into.

Perhaps some form of childhood trauma has caused him to develop in such a way, perhaps somewhere along his life he met with some scarring tragedy. People with traumatic childhood experiences have been found out to be more prone to adopting or developing queer habits.

Not that the strange folding of sleeves is wrong, it is just wrong for any guy in his right mind to do such a thing, after all it is only the girls who do such a thing. Yet Tim seems least bothered by such a fact, and continually and stubbornly does it. It is a strange phenomena indeed. I wish I knew why too.

Maybe it is for comfort, maybe it is more comfortable to have your sleeves up. How can that be so - you may ask. But perhaps different people feel differently about different things.

But ultimately, as with all mysteries, we can only speculate, and wonder and think up of all the reasons we could possibly conjure. But ultimately, and in the end, perhaps the only conclusion we can make is that Tim is different from the rest (in other words. Weird).

Let's keep tugging down on his sleeves to remind him, shall we?

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