Friday, October 06, 2006

Calm After the Storm

(first one to notice this blog's back alive wins :P)

And so it ends. well almost.

Amath paper today marked the end of a really tiring week of exams. Went to school feeling all great and relaxed today. Came home and slacked on the com for a better part of 2 hours. Practiced piano and drove myself silly with some bulgarian Bartok (ha! i spelt that right) piece. It's pretty much over. But Chinese needs a little preparation. And math just needs a little sustained effort. A little more to go. Let's not slip at the last leg.

Now Bong seems to think that we should work ourselves flat...even over this weekend. So that the feeling on Wednesday will be even greater. According to his philosophy, it's more crappy to be half-slack than to work and then be completely slack. Well depends on what kind of person you are. As for myself...the blogging today already says all.

I think i've lost the touch to blogging. That's terrible. Really. But let's try to regain that ability shall we.

Sigh. There is Macritchie tree counting to be done next week. A little of a terrible anti-climax actually...since it's on the marking days.

And as Ding continues to study abroad (school's on now), we await the end of the school year...and a really really sad breaking up of the GEP batch 2003 :(

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