Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Shanghai Memories

As the school year comes to a close, one can only start reminiscing about the events of the past two years, the fun we had together, the laughter we shared, the scoldings we endured together. Something inspired me sometime back, a musical piece (perhaps you might call it that), something that struck me while I was on the piano. I thought i might as well share it with all - as I hope I will do with all future compositions.

Well, as one listens to this, just think back, relax and enjoy the air of nostalgia. And don't play it too loud, because in all honesty the sound quality can still be improved, and it is fuzzy at times :D

comments appreciated, as always (I'm starting to feel like I'm posting a blogskin):

-=Shanghai Memories=-

If you love it so much (I doubt so though), you could right-click and save link as :)

till next time...

1 comment:

LimClanStrummer said...

Testing...haha I can leave comments now!! yay!