Monday, July 31, 2006

Looking on the Bright Side

I guess Daryl pretty much summarised this blog up: Optimism, almost idealistic at times.

It must get annoying reading Tim's blog. Especially when you're in a cynical or critical mood. What is this guy saying? He's just being dumb, that can't ever happen! Stop trying to be a saint! Does Tim ever get into an emo mood? Or is he always on the bright side of things.

Optimism does have its benefits, simplistic faith in God is always a virtue to have, it brings such comfort to a tearing soul when one knows that the greatest being on earth has everything under His control, and that being a child of God, we will always be safe in His arms. Much optimism has to be credited to God as a result. Without Him to depend on, most of us would have already sobbed ourselves dry. Experiences are important, once you've seen God work b4, you'll keep believing forever. Optimism comes from a simple faith.

sometimes smart people find it hardest to believe, in fact most of the time. Ironically i'm saying this. But it's perhaps because i'm not smart at all. Contrary to popular thought, to be honest, Tim is so simple minded he is often seen as an idealist, naive, and silly. Sometimes we just have to let go of questions and start believing. It's never easy though, like letting go of a ridge on a high mountain or jumping across a gaping hole, the leap of faith is so difficult to perform sometimes.

It's hard to explain faith. How can one possibly believe in something one cannot see. Many Atheists ask that, many Christians want that. We are so visually and results-oriented. Now. We want to see it happen now. And we reason, we use logical deduction. Human means. Faith is so beyond that, it is so simple, yet so complex. Something we'll never understand, and i'll never try to explain. I just simply believe.

And that's the key to optimism. Believe in God. Have faith and take the leap of faith. In times of trouble, keep focused on that ray from heaven, its always there....just open up your eyes and beyond the cloud of fear, anxiety, grief, you will see a ray of light break forth, and your hopes will be rejuvenated.

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