Wednesday, May 25, 2005 sk account got disabled for no apparent reason....yes i multied b4..yes i asked sean to log in for me b4...but that was 2 wks ago or more than that....and how in the world do we still have shared ips??!!! just so happens the scan comes along one fine day and catches us...wad happened? did sean secretly log in or sth? I'm really unhappy.

You know how life is always unfair...this is one of the times...of course it's just a game and i won't take it so seriously...but i still feel mad toward bcart for disabling my account for no least my sector's lamenting that i was a 'gd kd' lol....

Some tips to comforting an upset person:

1) DO NOT say anything that sounds like 'I told you so' doesn't make things any fact it's quite hard on the person.
2) Try not to mention anything to do with the something that the person is unhappy with. If you mention'll just make the guy even more upset.
3) Don't make the guy more upset by bringing up more of his flaws and mistakes
4) Don't ignore the person when he's complaining or anything..bear with him and give him some support and consolation.
5) Don't laugh.

Debate went well today...we managed to beat our opponents....they weren't really gd in the first place...i wondered for a moment how they got so far. The second speaker for opposition was gd...but the first guy was a bit disorganized and the last was lost and couldn't think of what to say at all. Naturally we bag the debate and now we wait and see whether we're in the's based on point system so that's not very fair as well...

I need to clear some things up...i didn't eat kenny's tempura chicken coz it was his and i thought it was unfair for me to do so...not coz i was anorexic. and i detested chocolate since i was like that's why i didn't eat those choc cookies...once again..NOT becoz i'm anorexic. In fact i'm trying to put on weight now...i've odne 2kg easily already..thanks to mr azmi's fish and co. dinner.

First chess game in ages...i lost the first to darren and kevin but reclaimed honor with the help of fab and won the rest of my games...even pwning sean twice in a row with the scholar's mate opening!! yay!!

SL at HPPS. My sad sad story of how i got there. I needed to get on bus 165 from bus 74. so i was taking 74, the bus stops at this busstop. As the bus leaves i see that 165 stops at that busstop. Naturally i think that the nxt busstop has 165 as well as there is no major junction or anything b4 the nxt busstop. So i wait. I get out on the nxt busstop and sit patiently. I realise afeter 10 minutes that nth's happening, check the busstop and see that 165 DOES NOT stop there...

So i take a long run back to the previous busstop and hop on the 165.

SL was cool...the kids were quite obedient and 'guai' looking. We all met our buddies and ding made the most progress by accomplishing his first mission helping his buddy to find a lost item. I get a lil indian boy from 2C (creativity), apparently he was the most challenging to teach so when they mentioned him everyone picked me to tutor him..pfftt. We were matched pretty well..eric got a hyper guy, bong got a quiet guy...but ian didn't get the guy with the big ears like one got a girl even though we were offered...i sure they didn't trust us with such heavy wad do they think of us?

I was being extremely lame throughout the SL....sry to ian for being stupid. Anyway...fab also mentioned to me some doubts abt our teaching capabilities...and he wondered whether we would take it seriously...More faith in us Fab!!

Back from SL..walking down the and fab see dog poo...i comment 'sweet potatoes'!!! Fab is disgusted for life. Don't wry i did lots of weirder things besides these.

Ok...that's all i i'll just tend to my real multi account that the multi scanner didn't the multi scanner's doing a great job...good work bcart...i salute you!!! ( i was being sarcastic....but of course i lack sarcastic wit according to derek)

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