Thursday, May 19, 2005

so we prepare for the debate. Round 2: the house would ban beauty pageants. Unfortunately this round we did not have inside info on the opposition. Last round we had justin and we managed to find their secret notes, but yea that's besides the point. so we use a whole load of time fretting and worrying ovr the debate. We wait outside 3.3, anxious for it to begin. Justin had a medical appointment at the skin clinic and was still on the way back to sch...oh no...wad if we were disqualified??

So we wait...ian starts complaining cause he doesn't wanna fill in for justin coz he has some fear of public speaking or sth. Then we notice sth, ppl ard us are sec1s. We think nth is wrong, ian asks me to asks the sec1s whether we were at the right place...but as usual men hate asking for directions so yea we wait there.

3 o clock...justin still not there...ian was getting worried when we noticed that it wasn't our turn for fact it was the sec1 debate. dope ours was nxt wk. Nevertheless we went down tot he SAC...we see ted kin and tell him that we've won and that we pwned the opposition in 2 minutes...funny enuff he believes us so yea...sean believed us as well.

A case of deja vu today. We play soccer, it rains real heavy so we leave the pitch. But this time the rain stopped and we didn't do the silly 'machine gun run all the way back to class' thing that we did on tuesday. Instead we try going out to play again and end up being used as slaves to lug ard stuff for the PE teachers...just great. Anyway, on the brighter side...i managed to do 2 pullups unassisted!!!

Mr Bill Chia starts to introduce us to chinese authors and he reads chronicles of! We find out the Mr Chia loves to read cynical stuff and that he buys lots of books really envious..and so Mr Chia gave us a talk on orbitals and then a he comforts us abt our results. He asks who wanted to know whether they failed or passed. poor sean failed. I raised my hand to ask and promptly got bombarded by a flying duster.

lots of ppl from 3.10 went to watch star wars with mr azmi yesterday. boo hoo we got left out. I could go actually....sob. So mr azmi was like ' i sense much (insert feeling) in you (insert name)' today. Nvrmind i hope to watch on sunday as my church is in a cinema after maybe i can hide away under the seats and hope not to get caught and then catch a free movie..hehe.

Cool star wars fact...lots of famous star wars quotes sound funny when you add the word 'pants' to them. A revelation from darren...just watch:
"Luke, i am your pants(father)"
"Begun, the pants(clone) war has"
"I am disturbed by your lack of pants"
OK nvrmind...that was just bad.
And mr azmi thought the movie was revenge of the sikh, so he expected ppl in turbans.

ok cya guys..gtg

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