Monday, May 23, 2005

Mr Azmi's a great cook!!! Loved the food sir..would like to go again some time. Sir was stuffing us with so much food i decided against eating dinner later on. In fact i didn't really feel hungry the whole day after that sumptious meal. I think sir has a secret plan for me and ian to put on weight. Mr azmi's house...i was pwning ppl in slime soccer lol. And me and ian were acting anorexic.

Watched star wars episode III finally!! Some comments:

Here are some comments critics have given...i got some of these from sk:
The movie was illogical at many times..:

1) Mustafar is supposed to be in the outer rim...but padme and obiwan managed to get there like super fast for some odd reason.

2) Grevious was defeated too easily.

3) The clone troopers were too pwrful the way they thrashed all the jedi. Hey jedi are supposed to be much more pwrful than that. Think this way...there was a kid who managed to kill 4 troopers b4 dying, and then look at the jedi masters, they go down with just a few shots. pfftt.

4) There were scenes of spaceships landing every 10 minutes or so...ppl can get enuff of spaceships landing.

5) Fast forward episode 6. Leia says that she remembers her mother and that she was a nice person while luke remembers nth. Makes sense? no. Because in ROTS leia actually sees padme for wad...less than a second and luke actually sees her for a longer time.

But away with the critics...i felt it was an enjoyable movie and worth the 9.50 i paid coz it was a holiday. It was really saddening at times as ian mentioned. Like how anakin turns to the dark side just to save padme and then ends up killing her in the process of turning to the dark side. It was upsetting to see that anakin was just confused and in his goodwill he did the wrong thing. Darth Sidious was cruel to trick him....wad padme said was true...anakin did have some good in him in the end.

Was also very saddening to see obiwan having to kill his own partner. It's like having to kill your own fren to do the right thing. Those kind of dilemmas would hurt so much.

Episode 3 generally ends on a really sad note but there is a link to episode 4 as in luke and the sunrise at the end of the 'a new hope'..well i can't deny it was a good prequel and it connected the trilogies really well.

Well there were some funny moments like when R2 (aka jian yang) used his incredible powers to burn up the droids. And the part where the droids capture R2 and then R2 zaps them and the droids go 'ow' and then slam R2 to the Or the part when yoda does his stance thing...that was hilarious. But on the was saddenning...ian wanted to cry...and did i...but i cheered him up throughout the movie :P.

Wookies rock...they saved yoda's skin. :) Chewbacca is gd.

Ok cya guys...for all peeps who haven't watched ROTS...go see it :)

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