Saturday, August 18, 2007

three balls

and off they go, tossed one by one into the air, we've tried it with apples before - yes a rather interesting event following a rather interesting meeting - and now it shouldn't get too difficult with the real thing - balls!! (: ah well. but the skills still need honing. they need to be improved. because, reality catches up with me, and perhaps there are more than one ball to tend to.

you see. this year has been one long juggling act. new balls have been introduced - some lonely, some lovely - old balls have to be remembered. and i'm afraid. i might have forgotten some on the way.

i don't want to let go of any. new or old. but maybe. i might have to some day. ah then which shall be the first to go ):

(at this point my comp starts to flicker uncontrollably. i'd best be off. ah)

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