Saturday, July 07, 2007

orange peel

wrinkly on the outside, pores a plenty, and yet when you dig deep, there's some juice-filled core that's so alluring, so sweet, but at times sour, and when you remove the outer covering, there is nothing more to hold the little pieces closely together. yet when it all falls apart, i dare say that there is still a portion that remains - shall i use that word? - hidden. hidden, concealed and not able to be brought to the light, because if it were, it would hurt, like the juice in our eyes sometimes, it would be sweet, but it too has the power to hurt (perhaps much more than it would be sweet)

i don't know if people understand these silly images sometimes. i think it's sometimes just me. maybe they hold no meaning at all. just a silly part of me. just creative juices that needed to be fulfilled. no matter.

besides that. and on another note. hopefully God would use that orange peeler, and peel off our sin, our unholiness, to discover a heart that longs to see Him glorified.

ah well. CAS beckons. and i type alone, at home, whilst others sit in the computer lab in school.

and for the record:
3.141592653589793238462643383279520884197169399375108230958209 (ah thanks (: ok i'm bad at this) that's 55 digits (:

thanks to Fab for the sms. haha.yes but my sanity is much at stake now

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