Friday, May 12, 2006

so the exams are over. and for better or for worse. I'm back :) that means, more run on lines, more nonsense, more 12345678910 rip off ian posts and more short one-liners. But that's me. Of course, occasionally there are those long essay like posts that last forever.

recently, i've probably grown more aware of myself, and God has allowed me to learn more about myself. So many little foxes gnawing on the vines of my heart (wow brilliant metaphor). well all of us have our little foxes that cause us to stumble, sin, that steal time away from's just that sometimes we're just not aware of such things. And of course there are the mega sins that are steal pestering me now and then, lingering within just waiting to capitalize on a moment of weakness, it's scary. Fear comes from the devil, condemnation from the devil. We're all sinners, but we are also free, and in that way no longer sinners. I guess it'll take a lifetime to find out why certain things just have to happen.

Ding has to leave S'pore soon...that's another one of my friends who have been taken from me. Edric in P6, Ken in Sec2, and now Ding...but at least he'll be back, albeit with an American accent :P. Perhaps i'm being taught how to be less doggish, it annoys the stuffing out of people..such doggish and ridiculour behavior. Different people do have different modes of expressing affection, some more open and more obvious than others, and we can't always expect friends to behave in a way that would exemplify our idea of a perfect fren. Friends...sigh what would i do without you guys...yet how much less pain i would feel without you guys...

exams are done. life goes on. looking forward to june hols church camp and trip to malacca. And did i mention the possibility of going somewhere overseas at the end of the year? possible..and i'm excited.

To all who see this post. Thanks that something in you mind told you and kept you reading this blog :) but i expect no one to read it. And pretty soon this will become as good as a private blog. Then perhaps i can blog more private stuff as well

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