Thursday, March 30, 2006
AEM was great. Mr Sam Tan, ex ACSian and ex BB boy was just the right balance for a cocktail of lightheartedness and professionalism. And i actually learn a lot about the importance of insurance...realised that aeroplanes and buildings have to be insured..and probably even the Sec 1's spanking new labtops.
soccer was good stuff today, the sec1s played a very respectable playground 0-10 formation where everyone went after the ball. We were hounded by like millions of sec 1s at every corner and couldn't dribble the ball out even a few metres. I scored my debut own goal by rebounding a briliant save by bong....and i scored a goal to make up for it. Now the one two with Kenny was one of the best ever done..and Fab went on a blitz and blasting spree again. Arjun met his alter-ego and deja-vu self arjun the sec1. And Zack looked like the sec1 version of Fab.
advice for sec1s, less talk, less scolding each other, more teamwork, more fun and more play! let the feet do the talking.
somehow Wesley Chan still thinks i'm not a guy, and my other name has become Tiffany for obvious reasons...(maybe because it rhymes) wadever i really don't care. Even in the Fabriz Song/Ding Song/ Daniel Song (oh yes happy bdae)/Bong song :P
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Korg KeyBoard!
Lost 2...just great...i am feeling a bit lost now
passing on the spiritual mantle. The story of Elijah and Elisha was just so striking today. Just like passing on leadership to the Sec1s. Look for the Sec1s that are anointed by God...not those who seem to be good in our eyes. That the Sec1s are to be called to God, not to us Admin :)
Church is just getting exciting. The joys of ministry. I guess it's one of those things God lets us enjoy and he's happy to see us enjoy i long as we don't forget Him
i just learnt that Derek can sight read instantly. And that is hax. And did i mention...scary?
Used the spanking new Korg keyboard today...and it wasn't too bad...just too mellowed down at times and then too sharp at other times....ahh! nvrmind...i guess music is never as important as worshipping God. That's why sometimes i might seem slack in my planning of the worship module...hopefully no one misunderstands.
Well yesterday was an interesting day...selling drinks, going around with garbage bags...watching the Admin Room fridge dragged into the track, selling drinks for one buck when a close by drink machine sells at 90 cents, just hilarious. Had a great time though. Lunch was the admin room 'dog biscuits', incidentally, my cup has been spammed by those (how did Asher reach that height??)
ok i'm quite random today..forgive back to physics AA
Thursday, March 23, 2006
HAPPY BDAE TO SEAN'S LONG TIME FREN VERA!!! which unfortunately because of art club he couldn't meet today...sob. anyway at least you made your prezzie sean. and contrary to popular thought...sean does not enjoy the misunderstandings we have about their purely friends friendship :)
Monday, March 20, 2006
something struck the thing about girls maturing faster than's a general trend...but ms grace kwee's story of the guy slapping the girl's hand was convincing enough to show that it doesn't apply to everyone. But then again...i must say that guys do mature slower than can see it from the reactions to things that are said in the auditorium. Call it zeal or just carelessness...but laughing at stuff that isn't laughable...and clapping at the most inappropriate times isn't maturity.
then again...girls don't necessarily look for the mature's an irony in this world...the 'nicer' you are....well it might not be the best.
the best is just to be yourself...and try to grow up i guess...:X
Saturday, March 18, 2006
went for parade today...BB parade...even though we were excused...(i can hear some scoffing 'extra' already). Well it was worthwhile though i had to sacrifice precious hwk time (yes even Tim hasn't finished all his hwk). I had a chance to be Galatia Wing cool is that?!! and anyway we gave the admin room a much needed revamp, inspired by Extreme Makeover home edition where they tore down the whole building and rebuilt it.
So after lots of cupboard shifting and stuff...we create this cool entrance with a rooftop constructed from the pikes. And the admin room is super big now....Gideon says we can breakdance at the back of the bandroom...where there's a ton of space. Incredible what 4 hrs of clearing stuff can do for you :)
haven't done pullups in a long time...shunned the pull up bars at Dover for fear of more attention from fairsians...and haven't been to school pull up bars coz there's no sch (for those who didn't realise due to the great amount of is the school hols!!) so yea i'll probably deprove AGAIN!!!
kk gtg now....chatting to ms phuan online...directly from australia wow!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
一路走来, 我们一直一起走,凹凸不平的山路,泥泞的小径,
但那一天,我们到了一条分岔路。过去也碰上了不少岔路,彼此总是选择同样的路,走一样的方向。而这岔路看起来也没什么不同-路边长满杂草,杂草之间长了几朵坚强的小花,一条路往西方延直,另一条却朝着东方- 没什么不同,但我总觉得有点异样,总觉得有点不对劲。
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
1) I'm loving this whole experience of taking care of Sec1s....both physically and spiritually i guess. Spiritually..not quite there yet...there's still so much to do spiritually as an admin. We really need a change of heart in order for the spiritual needs to be met. Sometimes i get quite discourgaed or disheartened at comments like the camp has gone to a waste without the spiritualy aspect...but then i remember my birthday verse Joshua 1:9!!! do not be discouraged! God's strength in our weakness. I really pray that God will give us peace in how to resolve this issue and raise a generation of people who will be close to God!
sigh speaking of spiritual...i really got to get my life right first...that sin..go away in Jesus' name!
2) To scare someone...put them in a dark and quiet place. That's wad i learnt from the night games...bashing and making unnecessary noises will not make ppl scared for sure. But giving them that feeling of apprehension is the best way..ahaha :P. And one of the checkpoints required a person to walk alone into the clocktower at :P. The admin were more freaked out then the sec1s lol.
3) Orchard this needs some subtitles:
a) Holding up a 'Honk if you think I'm Hot' sign and running into a whole group of vehicles at a traffic junction is just you realise how cheeky some Singaporeans really are...we really got a lot of honks k?
b) Singing 'We are the champions' replacing the 'We' with 'You' to a bunch of girls who we don't being the nice person i was...i actually helped the sec1s out on this one..but it was supposed to be done sec1s alone!! Aiyah it was fun to watch the girls just freak out and think that we were lunatics. embarrasing though..totally.
4) Worship sessions...Ding did a good job...Sec1s were really shaq when i was leading...and Emil...well i pray he'll worry less next time...Thank God for everything that went pretty smoothly. However again...i have to comment on the spiritual aspect of the camp. i just didn't feel like it materialized. But that whole thing on coporal punishment banned, and our change of mindset...i felt it was a step there!
5) Change parades...hardly any. Pushups, hardly any except on the second day morn when Wesley went crazy. aiyah...the sec1s had it easy and fun...but then again, that was the change we were trying to make. hope all the sec1s enjoyed the camp!
6) Hey don't be a fool (hey hey), somebody said we are number two/David Hu/Seagearnt Vishnu (who?), we are number one/Seagearnt Wesley Chan, TA2!!!
7) TA test Benjamin Liau's was so encouraging :) and yes i'm not being a pedophile..but he's v.cute k? hopefully he'll speak up more...and he is...encouraging! Joshua Cao became John Cao, Wesley Chan became Weasley Chan (right out of Harry PotteR), Vishnu became the CE NCO, I became Juniors NCO, and the Drill OIC became Mr Kekanan Pusing (answer provided by Malcolm...ahahaa). Thanks for the laughs guys!
8) Late nights and mega cream crackers...ok the cream crackers made everything right! they were just sooooooo good. Kenneth ate 33, John gobbled down like 20 sth, and kester also 20 sth, I? being anorexic took about ....7? and yes i took XL for T shirt size so i can't be anorexic nor am i thin! The sleeves were too long, i folded them up and was called a girl..bah :P
9) Lots of running. And on the last day we were cheered on by a group of girls who we didn't know at all....of course we had no time to patronize (not like we would anyway). Reminds me of the time i was doing pullups and a group of Fairfield students watched secretly from the back and i went away with an applause :P. It was just 4 pullups...come on..Derek can do like 8
10) Slept on grass with the Sec1s and my legs itched like dunno wad after that night :)
haha...on the overall a fun-filled and enjoyable camp. Hope all the Sec1s loved it!
bb! (no pun intended)
Friday, March 10, 2006
So you might be asking? WOW!!! how in the world and why in the world is Tim posting 2 days in a row? isn't that impossible (in view of latest trends). Yes it is impossible. Today is an exception. There are always exceptions :P. Because for the next three days i'm going on TA2 camp. Now every time there is camp it means a few things:
1) This blog will die momentarily
2) I need to get someone to multi SK for me
3) No hot baths for the next few days
4) No comfy bed for the next few days
5) Late nights
6) At least we get to be with frens :)
And no...sitting in an awkward crossed legged position does not make you a girl. i was booked a second time in the term for being late again..because i had to dress my soccer wound...and do my QT !! not fair lor...but i guess it was a good thing that i did my QT...coz the message today was so applicable to the sec1s this year. To coach them spiritually, we have to have a genuine concern for them first. Of course!
POD today shed some light on one particular prefect eating in class.
Now...we are all 'condemned to be free', and since there are no absolutes..and rationality is limited...
There is no rational reason to eat in the SAC, or eat anywhere else. We!
So that's wad i did, pure defiance, ate at the di (that's the track...and i dunno why we call it a di). Anyway, that confession might just get me booked AGAIN...then i get DC!! woot!
ok gtg soon..... packing for camp and choinging hwk is no joke...not to mention i need to spend time with God to get myself right with Him :)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
" I feel sad giving you guys this hwk, but it makes me sadder if i don't give it :P" guess who?
this is post 194...i must make it to 200....c'mon...just a bit more!!!
hmmm just wondered if anyone heard of the luge at sentosa was cool. These go kart things that you pay like a lot for a go...but i guess the experience first time was kinda exciting...taking the skiing like thing up hill, then speeding back down again on the blistering road...woot. I think i have pics somewhere...but shld i post them for fun? haha
and of course there was the long awaited re-test for langarts (The Jaguar!!!!)
and recently i've been inspired to another hobby...writing poetry, something less time-taxing than blogskin making...which i have been forced to give up atm due to time constraints.
Poetry in Music...that's wad i shall a few songs of poems set to music...sounds cool?
now gtg.....exponential graphS!!!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
1) Helping ppl isn't always v.good..somethings you get scolded for it
2) Being nice (yes LArts Teachers hate this word) isn't always the get exploited in the future
3) No Soccer in the Art Room
4) Mrs Gina Ong is almost sadomasochistic (just jkjk) in nature :P. Spent a whole Amath lesson tormenting us..even though i really didn't mind not knowing the marks.
5) Sometimes Mr Jason Chan deserves more respect (wait...not sometimes)
6) Mdm Loo is really upset with all of us. As we grow older...we learn more bad stuff.
7) Having Patrick on your side is a real asset! LangArts Presentation ftw!